Dr. Kirstin uses Manual Manipulation, Drop Table, and Activator Adjustment Instrument to perform the adjustments.

Our various massage therapy techniques provide a natural way to relieve, relax, and restore the body to its most healing state.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent is a way of treating nerve and muscle pain, as well as other conditions, using specific frequencies and micro amperage current. This form of therapy works quickly, with minimum discomfort and often rapid results.

Flower Essence
Flower Essence is prepared from the flowers of non-poisonous plants, bushes, and trees. It is considered a homeopathic substance, which is administered under the tongue or topically, and is odorless.
Flowers are the very essence and highest concentration of life force in a plant.
Flower Essence remedies are a gentle and subtle means for restoring harmony. Thus, allowing the body, and the being as a whole, a chance to regain strength and the ability to combat ill-health through its own natural healing processes.